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Sherlock: Series 4 | Trailer - BBC One

Head cocked to the left. 

Partial deafness in ear. 

First point of attack. 

Two. Throat. Paralyse
vocal cords. Stop screaming. 

Three. Got to be heavy drinker. 
Floating rib to the liver.

Four. Finally, drag the 
left leg. Fist the patella.

Summary prognosis: 
Conscious in 90 seconds

Martial efficacy: quarter 
of an hour at best.

Full faculty of recovery, unlikely.

- I like the hat. 
- I just picked it up. 

You remember your revolver? 

Oh, knew I'd forgotten something. 

- I thought I'd left the stove on. 
- You did. 

I think that's quite enough. 

You're a doctor, after all. 

Always nice to see you, 

Where is the inspector? 

He's getting his troops lined up. 

That could be all day. 

Sherlock Holmes. 

And his loyal dog. 

Tell me, doctor 

As a medical man, have 
you enjoyed my work? 

Let me show you
how much I've enjoyed it. 

Watson! Don't! 


How did you see that? 

Because I was looking for it. 

Lord Blackwood! 

You seem surprised. 

I'd say that the girl deserves 
our attention more than he. 


Oh, I'd leave that alone
if I were you, boyo. 

Good lad. 

Impeccable timing, 

We've one for the doctor, 
and one for the rope. 

- Clarky? 
- Sir. 

This woman needs 
a hospital immediately. 

- Put her in the back of the maria. 
- Right lads, that's it. 

Come on.

If you don't mind. 

Get him out of my sight. 

And you were supposed
to wait for my orders. 

If I had, you'd be 
clearing up a corpse.

and chasing a rumor. 

Besides, the girl's parents 
hired me, not the Yard. 

Why they thought you'd require 
any assistance is beyond me? 

- Well, London will breathe a sigh of relief.
- Indeed. 

- Congratulations, Lestrade. 
- Bravo, Inspector. 

Have a cigar. 





156 over 80. 

Very good. 

Me nerves are the best they've been
in years, thanks to you.


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